The allocation of the torrents correction works according to the torrential degree of the river basins. Case Study: Upper Cârcinov Catchment

Three factors define the risk to flash floods in small watersheds, mostly forested
(Clinciu, 2006): the characteristics of the triggering rainfall, the parameters of the watershed where
flash floods occur, features of flash floods receptors.
The first two categories are able to be embedded in the “torrential degree” equation, separately for
sediment transportation and for liquid drainage (Gaspar, 1967).
In order to apply the model for torrential degree due to the liquid drainage, in this paper the upper part
of the Cârcinov Catchment was divided in 9 watersheds, for each one a hydrological reliability has
been estimated. According to this evaluation 60% of the lands in upper Cârcinov Catchment have a
low hydrologic efficiency and only 1% of them have a high efficiency.
In order to determine the characteristics of the rainfall triggering flash floods Platagea method was
used (Platagea, 1974). For the upper part of the Cârcinov Catchment the computed rainfall (1%
threshold) characteristics are: 17.5 minutes duration, 2.4 mm/min intensity and a quantum of 41.8mm.
Using data collected a thematic map has been created containing the distribution of the torrential
degree inside the 9 watersheds, giving us the possibility to plan torrent control structures execution in
the upper Cârcinov Catchment.

Read entire article here Tudose et al INHGA 2013

Remarks concerning undermined transverse hydrotechnical structures used for torrential watershed management in Cris river catchment

An evaluating methodology for hydro-technical torrent-control structures condition

Watershed management using torrent-control structures is an
activity having more than 100 years history in Romania, So far, re-
searches regarding works behaviour in service focused mainly on de-
fining and assessing each damage type, without studying the inte-
raction between them. Thus, damage classification criteria were
substantiated taking into account nature and strength of the damages.
This paper presents a methodology for assessing the condition of hydrotech-
nical structures by quantifying the cumulative effects of damages which occur
with a significant frequency during their service. Continue reading…